Vanessa’s Butterfly Birth was created by me, Vanessa Bussell, for a place for Black people and other people of color to go to be treated delicately.
When becoming a parent, people are transforming. Their outer layer has changed, they are a cocoon for the parent and person they soon will become. Birth is beautiful and magnificent and every birth should be treated as such.
Butterflies are associated with our souls in many cultures. Butterflies show us that change and growth is inevitable, but it doesn’t need to be traumatic. It can be beautiful. It can be as gentle and joyful as you want.
Black and Indigenous birthing people have a mortality rate 4x that of white birthing people.
Black and Indigenous infants are 2x more likely not to make it to their first birthday compared to the rates of white infants.
Image provided by Vanessa Bussell/Victoria Kovios